I'm back!!!!! WINK....

I'm back to office from medical leave almost week ago...I never take MC for long time...so busan & boring during stay at home & alone...almost isi my time watching tv...reading the new story book...cooking & sleeping...
1st time i get eye conjunctivis virus from my other half...thru touching...doctor said...klu org dewasa kene agak lame nk back to normal..and also during that time...can get fever on and off...that's thru...
I decided to work today even sakit mate ni not 100% back to normal...quit kabur jugak la mate kiri aku ni bile tgk PC...sometimes rase gatal melanda kat mate nie....tapi xboleh nk usik...takut lambat nk baik...coz this coming thursday...we got family gathering at Johnny's to celebrate 31st years old besday my bro @ ABOY...i've booked the place already for 10 person...
SO.....wait for the event!!!!!!! WINK!!!!!!

Gastric mood::::

Mlm smlm aku diserang sakit perut yg teramat sangat..sakit dibahagian tengah2 perut..mcm gastric je...then baru aku teringat yg mlm tu aku xmakan nasi!!!!!dump...patut pun aku gastric..dlm aku mengerang2 kesakitan..tetibe my other half bersuara :-
"Mummy kenape??sakit perut ke??sakit kat bahagian mane??itu la mlm tadi xmakan nasi..kan dah gastric...
Tanpa aku sedari...my other half terus bangun & ambik minyak angin...
then terus dia sapu kat perut aku....ohhh!!!! i;m so touching...bile my other half take care of me last night....I Luv U Much Much More.....

New Book::::


I just bought new book @ Dugaan Hidup by Wan Aznan Hj Wan Abdullah at MPH Sun.Pyramid.Buku ni memaparkan nasihat2 agama dlm membina kekuatan jiwa dan cara menghadapinya. Himpunan nasihat digali drp intisari AL-QURAN dan AL-HADIS yg mulia sebagai 1 panduan yg mempunyai manafaat besar bagi kita yg mahu memahami dan manegamalkannya.Al-Quran & Hadis Rasullullah S.A.W memaparkan cara tersendiri utk membimbing kita supaya boleh menjadi 'JUARA' dlm apa jua situasi,dimana,dlm apap jua situasi, kita boleh terus menjalani kehidupan dgn gembira,rancak,tenang dan yakin tanpa sebarang keraguan, kekecewaan, kebimbingan dan keresahan. Secara ringkasnya ianya :-

*Melihat musibah sebagai rahmat ALLAH yakni kegagalan sebagai kejayaan atau masalah sebagai peluang.
*Meyakini janji-janji ALLAH serta ketentuan2NYA samada yg baik atau sebaliknya.
*Menukar tekanan jiwa ke arah ketenangan jiwa.
*Menjadi insan yg disayangi ALLAH berjaya,yakin, bahagia dan tenang serta diberkati ALAH dlm cita-cita, harapan & usaha.

Ini dpt meningkatkan dorongan jiwa, mengebalkan semangat & menenangkan hati yg kusut supaya dengan itu kita dapat menghadapi apa jua krisis hidup dan mengecapi nikmat ketenangan dan kebahagiaan dgn lebih bermakna. Insyallah!!!!
Hope i'll enjoying reading this book for me to go forward within my life as a MUSLIMAH.....AMIN...AMIN....AMIN...

You Can Be A World Changer...


You Can Be A World Changer

* World changers pursue their dreams with sinle-minded focus & determination.

* World changers do not let political borders or systems stand in the way of doing the right thing.

* World changers are wiling to undertake what others have never done.

* World changers seek to perfect their natural gifts and to pass on what they learn.

* World changers don't wait for others to initiate action-they take the lead.

* World changers refuse to allow outer circumstances to stop the expression of their God-given talents.

* World changers often give up personal comfort in their quest for discoveries that will help others.

* People who make concrete changes in the world also live and work in the practical world-not just the world of ideas.

* People who make significant changes in the world pursue God's truth regardless of the personal cost to their own reputation.

* World changers stand up for what they wiling to voice their opinions in the face of danger.

* World changers never think they know it all or think that they must do anything heroic all by themselves.

* World changers don't take to heart the personally downgrading opinions of others-they pursue their own vision of excellence.

* World changers seek to save lives, even if their efforts mean putting their own lives at risk.

* A genuine desire to change the world flows from a heart that seeks the good of others.

* World changers are motivated from within and refuse to be discouraged by criticism or external factors.

* World changers endure and overcome life's tragedies in such a way that their experience serves the world.

* World changers are wiling to give up their personal desires and private lives for the common good.

aidil adha....

On aidil adha @friday 27-11-09 me & other half go back to my mum hse to celebrate together with my family...only my bro not here coz raye at sg petani with in-law family...so...only me & 2 sis raye with my family...as usual,papa make rendang ayam & daging..mama make kuah kacang,masak lodeh & nasi impit then my lil sis make the special lasakna...
On thus night, my mum & sis went to keramat @ pakndak hse coz they said our cousin wife @ novee fell down at bathroom on wed night...mama bring together the rendang ayam & daging for her since they all cancelled to balik kg @ kota bharu...alhamdulillah she & baby are safe coz novee preggy for 5month already...hope for future...she can make more extra careful...

Morning Sleepy:::::::mode

Today i'm wake-up late coz last night my other half fetch he mum & dad at LCCT. Surpose spai sini around 9pm but the flight is delay for 4hours!!
Actually i xnak follow my other half to LCCT but after he "pujuk" and ask me for "temankan" him, so i terpaksa ikut lor...On the way they, i xtido pun coz nk temankan my other half when he is driving. Terpaksa la i lawan rase mengantuk tu semata mata utk my other half. Spai sane around 12++am, we did'nt park the car at the parking pay area. Just tgu mereka dekat pintu ketibaan je.Spai saje mereka, kami terus balik ke rumah my sil @ Bdr Nusaputra,Tmn Putra Perdana.me & my other half balik rumah at 3am & wake-up late 6.30am....

Today we got a great lunch at Pasta de Gohan @ Sun.Pyramid...
This place got so many type of pasta like spegheti..pizza.. chicken chop...but since from last 2week i teringin nk makan spegheti carbonara... i've order the seafood carbonara spegheti for my own & banana split for the dessert..sooo...my stomach is full & thanks to our P.I.C Mr.Yap Kah Hoo yg belanja staff lunch today...after this...boleh la selalu belanja staff gethering...wink!!!!

2morrow is our Hari Raya Aidil Adha...so my other half said today we go back early @ after 5pm jugak la...i nk kemas2 rumah & wash our baju2 coz almost 4days xcuci baju...dan mlm nti i went to my mil hse for tolong diaorg prepare the hari raya dish...i only prepare the nasi impit & kuah kacang...the rest of that...my mil yg akan buat...so esok i went back to mum hse at Nakhoda 7 stay they until sunday...dan mcm biasa la klu dgn my mum & sis...kami akan keluar berjln2 cari pasal around KL area....


Last night we have a great Anniversary Dinner at Chinoz KLCC..we arrive they around 9pm..my other half already order the dish..after makan2, my other half bring me jln2 at KLCC garden..pemandangan mlm yg sgt cantik di sekitar KLCC dgn himpunan lampu2 yg berwarna warni & air pancut bagai menari mengikut irama lagu..

Until year end, aku dah apply cuti utk majlis kawin my other half cousins.
On 28 nov, i take leave & stay at my mum hse @ Kg Nakhoda.On that day, my other half xboleh keluar ambik aku kat ofis coz hanya 2org saje bekerja pada hari tu...so my other half ask me to take leave & stay at mother hse...

Me & other half take leave on 26dec & 28dec for my other half cousin wedding at Perak. Yg best tu,2org cousin kawin on the same week cume sorang tu hari sabtu & sorang lagi hari ahad.
For sure penat gilez nak rushing2 pegi 2tempat ni...Tanjung Malim on saturday & Tronoh on sunday but both we have to go early utk tolong2 keje.Ape pun, me & other half belum fikir lagi kat mane kami nak bermlm...nk bermlm dirumah pengatin memang tidak la...alternatif lain...kene la sewa mane2 hotel yg berdekatan...

gReAt dAy

Monday, 16-11-09
Basically every person thingking monday is lazy day but for me monday is the GREAT STARTING DAY...why i'm saying like that???
Coz every day got something special spirit.Bergantung pd individu yg mentafsir hari2 yg mereka lalui dlm kehidupan mereka.Ada yg berperasaan malas utk bangun pagi bagi memulakan hari.For me,ada petua yg saya amalkan setiap pagi.Mungkin pada sesiapa yg biasa ikuti program motivasi Datuk Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah, akan dengar petua ni.1st think when u open ur eye, kena tanam niat dlm diri sendiri utk memulakan hari dgn baik..sempurna..bersemangat..tidak malas utk memulakan kerja2 yg akan kite buat sepanjang hari tersebut dan perkara WAJIB bagi setiap umat islam perlu buat adalah SOLAT SUBUH...hari ni saya agak keletihan coz semlm@ sunday,saya bersama family in-law balik felda gedangsa. Kat sane sekarang musim buah durian & rambutan.We go with 2cars.early morning kami dah bertolak ke sana.Bile spai je kat dusun,it's so amazing. Pokok rambutan penuh dgn buah yg telah masak ranum.durian plak ada la dlm 2guni yg setia menunggu kedtgan kami utk dimakan.Ape yg melucukan,abg ipar terus makan durian dgn kuantiti yg banyak non-stop hingga sesak nafas.even aku hantu durian,xpernah aku makan durian dgn kuantiti yg byk for non-stop.sudahnya, abg ipar ku terpaksa muntahkan ape yg telah dia makan utk menstabilkan tahap pernafasan dia.eeeee!!!! so scary...
kami spai KL around 4pm then terus kemas2kan buah2an yg telah kami bwk balik ke KL.Buah rambutan ada 4guni & durian 1guni..Jenuh jugak la aku & other half mengupas rambutan utk dibawa balik ke rumah kami.Then pagi ni aku bwk sebahagian drp rambutan tu utk shana & hudah makan.

Saturday is my working day....

Sat, 14-11-09
Saturday is my working day...1/2 day only..tapiiii...tahap kemalasan sentiasa ada je klu saturday dtg...dari nk bangun tido spai la nk bersiap...rase malas je...
ape maknenye tu??? on my desk ni...penuh dgn keje2 yg harus aku siapkan...dgn VO nk send to architect...subcon certificate nk kene settle...site memo nk kene compile...spai xtahu nak buat mane dulu...eeeerrrrr!!!!!pening..pening...

Balik umah nti..aku nk buat rombakan besar2an..almost 2weeks aku xmengemas umah coz attend kenduri doa
selamat@keramat & trip to cameron highland last saturday...itu yg keje2 umah tertangguh..so this weekend aku nk duduk umah je utk mengemas & memasak..rasenye mlm ni nak masak AYAM MASAK KURMA & KACANG BOTOL GORENG BERCILI....tapi tekak ni asyik mintak2 nk makan KFC ORIGINAL RESEPI je..

So nti kite same2 tgk ape hasilnya setelah aku mengemas umah..& masak utk dinner kami....tguuuuuu!!!!!!

Friday is GREAT DAY!!!

Friday, 13-11-09
I'm so happy today coz i meet my schoolmate during secondary school (selayang baru)..they'll very ecxited to make our day (REUNION) coz we'll already 30th year old on year 2010!!! i xsabar2 nk tgk each other yg dah berubah 'SAIZ'....hehehe...to our KETUA...Maizatul Hana....pls arrange our reunion is GREAT DAY for us!!!!! Soooo....waiting for our REUNION 2010!!!!

I'm sO eXcItEd tOdAy!!!

Friday, 13-11-09

I'm so happy coz i meet my classmate during secondary school (selayang baru) inside FB...they all very excited coz meet each other for long time ago since year end 1997...then i'm thinking the reunion for us coz we all 30th year old on 2010!!!! is really GREAT & FANTISTIC right!!! then yg paling utama....nak tengok kawan2 ku yg berlainan SAIZ!!!!! hahaha....during reunion tu klu ada pertandingan saiz badan sape yg maintain.....for sure I'LL WIN!!!!!

Searching mode::

Today i try to searching(FB) all my frenz from secondary school (sek.men.selayang baru) and finally i found it....soooo....check it out