Tuesday, 29June2010
Some say, things happen for a reason and some may say that our life journey has been orchestrated by god. My best friend who happens to be a very spiritual person will normally say that 'we owe it to our past lives'and that sometimes someone from the past might come into our lives so suddenly because we have an unfinished business with them in our past lives. Well she does read a lot of Deepak Chopras.....

Nevertheless I did find some truth in what she said after much thought given to it.This is because a person whom I met on the job many years ago came into my life again and initiated something I never thought possible.Then when things started to progress suddenly it turned bad and I was left very dissapointed. If i could recall I did turn the offer down a few years ago and maybe this is the time to get back at me.. but then again I take it as another valuable lesson in life and I thank god for making my life so interesting and colorful! For the past few months a lot of interesting and wierd things happened to me...some are happy and some are not too happy. I normally would like to just focus on the happy ones and move on. However this time I took the time to ponder a bit on what caused the 'not too happy' ones. I realized that it's all about being able to adjust ourselves in the situation that we're in and be in 'sync' with our environment and the people around us. When I try to relate to 'The Law of Atrraction' written by Michael Lozier again and does make sense and now I believe that it's all about this new word 'syncronicity'. Everything has to be on the same 'frequency'. Like attracts like. If not don't push it.

Emotional Intelligence

Saturday,26June 2010

Every time when i meet a group of girlfriends there was never a time I didn't hear any complains about someone being treated badly by the opposite sex either it's their husbands or boyfriends or some are just by their 'casual acquaintances'.Sometimes the stories seemed so peculiar that it got all of us thinking that these guys must be reading a standard book of 'Guides To Lure Them Then Leave Them...'.They say the same things, use the same tactics, same words, same modus operandi.It's like the same script but different casts.

The worst thing is women never learn and keep falling for these guys.Why? Aren't there enough nice guys around or we're just not giving them a chance? Another girfriend pointed out that, bad guys are more challenging and fun to be with. Well then who to be blamed for this coz you knew very well what you're in it for so you must be prepared to face the consequences.This is the reason why we should all have the Emotional Intelligence. The word 'intelligent' means being able to make a smart decision and Emotional Intelligence means being able to make wise decision based on emotions. Have we consciously asked ourselves why did we 'allow' it to happen?

Why did you 'allow' them to treat you in a bad way? Why did you 'allow' them to dump you or why did you 'allow' them to make you cry? The best way to do it is never to 'allow' anything that's below what you deserve.If you don't 'allow' nothing will happen least not the way you didn't want it to be.So I would suggest for women to set a 'benchmark'[setting a certain standards] in choosing the guys they go out with. NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS and NEVER SELL YOURSELF SHORT! You must remember this! And if they leave eventually , say to yourself ' so what..we had some good moments and I don't really care coz I deserve better and I am worth it'.

Being able to switch your emotions from sadness to psycho-ing yourself with happy things will make you more productive and more attractive. Believe me ,do this and you'll be a happier person.This is what Emotional Intelligence is all about and all women should master this capability. Another important habit for you to master is the art of being silent. 'Practising silence means making a commitment to just be...' by DEEPAK CHOPRA 'THE 7 SRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS'.

Movieganza Night....By Suncon Social Club

Friday, 25 June 2010
Movieganza Night by Suncon Social Club went well last night, Thursday 24June2010 at TGV Sun.Pyramid & that's is FREE for Suncon Staff....The show start at 7pm....Me & MRB joined the movie show @ Knight n Day by Tom Cruise....Me & MRB got couple seating by organizer + 2drinks + 2large popcorn....Almost 70% panggung penuh dgn suncon staff...For me & MRB yg memang minat dgn action movie was enjoyed the movie with others....We give 4stars rate for Tom Cruise....syok jugak....even byk action pun...unsur2 humor pun ada tak la boring sangat cite tu....Apa pun, pujian harus diberi pada Suncon Social Club yg organised some xtivite for staff....for next agenda...kene tunggu la ye....

Mengatasi 'STRESS'......

19th June 2010
Kemarahan adalah satu masalah utama emosi akibat STRESS.. STRESS ialah tindakbalas fizikal, emosi dan mental kepada perubahan. Kita semua mengalami stress dirumah, sekolah dan tempat kerja. Kita perlu sedikit stress untuk berfungsi secara berkesan. Adakalanya stress boleh juga menjadi faktor motivasi terhadap perkembangan hidup seseorang. Stress yang keterlaluan boleh menjejaskan kesihatan.


1) Diri sendiri (contoh : anda kecewa,anda tidak dapat apa yang anda mahu)
2) Keluarga anda (contoh : masalah dengan suami/isteri dan anak,pindah rumah,masalah kewangan)
3) Pekerjaan anda (contoh : anda tidak dapat menyiapkan kerja,anda tidak cemerlang dalam kerja,ketua anda tidak berpuashati dengan kerja anda,anda tidak dinaikkan pangkat,tukar kerja,dibuang kerja)
3) Komuniti anda (contoh : jiran dan komuniti tidak ramah)

Bila anda rasa stress.....

1) Jantung berdegup kencang dan sukar bernafas
2) Anda cepat marah
3) Anda rasa tidak gembira
4) Anda kehilangan selera makan
5) Anda hilang minat bekerja
6) anda tidal lagi menikmati hobi
7) Anda tidak cukup tidur
8) Anda menengking-nengking
9) Anda ingin membaling sesuatu
10) Anda cuba menjauhkan diri

Apa yang harus dilakukan apabila anda marah:-

1) menyedari yang anda sedang marah.....Katakan;"Saya sedang marah".
2) bertenang...kira hingga 10,tarik nafas panjang dan mengucap .
3) kenal pasti kenapa anda marah .
4) cuba dengar penjelasan orang lain .
5) jangan berkata sesuatu untuk menyakitkan hati atau menghukum orang lain .
6) anda perlu beredar jika tidak dapat mengawal kemarahan .
7) berbincang dengan orang lain jika tidak mampu mengendalikan kemarahan .
8) membiasakan diri memaafkan.
menerima kenyataan bahawa manusia juga melakukan kesalahan.

I . D . E . A . L
I > Kenal pasti masalah(Identify the problem)
D > Jelaskan pilihan yang boleh diambil(Describe possible options)
E > Buat penilaian bagi setiap cadangan - baik dan buruknya(Evaluate consequences of each option - the pro's and con's)
A > Bertindak- pilih satu cara untuk bertindak(Act)
L > Belajar dari pengalaman sama ada hasilnya berjaya atau tidak(Learn)


1) berfikir secara positif
2) jangan salahkan orang lain apabila berlaku kesilapan
3) belajar menyukai diri sendiri
4) usahakan yang terbaik daripada apa yang anda ada
5) belajar menerima apa yang tidak dapat diubah
6) jangan risau tentang kekurangan yang ada
7) bertenang
8) lakukan senaman selalu
9) adakan hobi
10) luangkan masa untuk keluarga,kerja dan beriadah
11) dapatkan tidur yang cukup
12) dapatkan teman untuk meluahkan masalah
13) bersifat asertif.
14) dapatkan tidur yang cukup
15) dapatkan teman untuk meluahkan masalah
16) bersifat asertif.
17) berani berkata "TIDAK" untuk kegiatan luar,jemputan atau temujanji 18) yang anda tiada masa untuk hadiri
19) tetapkan matlamat yang realistik untuk diri anda. tidak semua anda dapat kecapi .
20) sedarilah bahawa tidak semua perkara penting seperti yang anda sangkakan.

"Where to start????"

Wed, 16 June 2010
I'm so lazy to update my blog coz so many things to tell but donno where to weekend story & also my 2nd appointment with Neurology Doctor on 15 june 2010 at Sunway Medical Centre....for the 3rd give me 1month to improve my 'sick'....and will see doctor on 13th July 2010.... Ape yg diharap...semoga ALLAH sembuhkan segala penyakit yg ada dan dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik dlm menjalani kehidupan seharian yg penuh cabaran & dugaan....Amin...Amin...Amin....
( I'll be update my blog later )....

"Feel Good".....

Thursday,10th June 2010

On 4th & 7th June, i'm on Medical Leave coz of Headache...This headache happen almost 2weeks a go...but on 7th doctor give me referer letter to Physicion / Neurology at Sun.Medical Centre for futher on 8th appointment at 2.30pm with Dr.Lee Moon Kee a specialist of Neurology...She ask me to tell her starting from day 1 i get my headache until now...after that she ask me to do the "brain scan" at Radiology Dept Sun.Medical 5.00pm...i get my result...then the doctor said....the result is NORMAL...but got a bit "DARAH BEKU"....She give me some medicine for 1week to reduce the "DARAH BEKU"....She ask me to come back againt after 1week my medicine....also she ask me to be 'EXTRA REST" at home...and aslo she ask me to use "CERMIN MATA" in front the "COMPUTER"...So she put me on 15th June for next appointment....But now...after 3days medicine....i feel much better than before....