New Books of the Week...

Today, 25/8/2010 during lunch time...i'm went to Popular Bookstore Pyramid to spend my lunch hour usual...mesti ada buku yg akan ku beli...xsah rasenye pegi bookstore without buying any books...akan terase something missing in my heart...choy!!!! xtau mcmane nk explaint rase kekurangan bile xbeli buku...spai MRB said...he has to spend a lot of money to buy the hold bookstore for me & letak dekat rumah!!!! hahahah...wat lawak lak MRB ni...
Hari ni agak lame jugak bertape kat bookstore...siap membace lagi...bile dah bace 1buku tu...rase mcm nk bace yg lain pulak...tapi bile dikenangkan working hours...terpaksa la stop dah beli 2buku for today...HADIRMU TAKDIRKU & INDAHNYA SYURGA...xsabar nk start bace yg baru ni...HAPPY READING TO ME!!!!!!

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